Luke’s Lock Shop

Our Services

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Moving and looking to get your locks rekeyed? Luke’s Lock Shop is here to help! We swap out the internal mechanisms of your locks so only the new key will work. We can cut as many keys as you’d like onsite.

Call for Pricing

Locked out? At Luke’s Lock Shop if a key goes in it; we can unlock it! Anything from garage and closet doors, to padlocks and sheds. Luke’s Lock Shop has you covered! We will get you back in; in no time!

Repair or Replace

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Has your door hardware been tampered with, broken, or just need a refresh? Luke’s Lock Shop can help you out! We can repair the locks if possible and we have access to various styles and designs to fit all of your hardware needs!

Contact Us

Luke’s Lock Shop has been serving the Portland Metro area since 2023! Drop us a message or reach out to Luke’s Lock Shop at (503) 853-4797.